Monday, 7 October 2013

Using the AIM assessment in the AMBIT manual

The AIM assessment is an adaptation of the validated HCAM (Hampstead Child Adaptation Measure) and is itself due to get validation following its use as one of the measures in the large multi-centre IMPACT study of adolescent depression. The AIM was adapted in order that it could be integrated within the AMBIT manual; there, through simple algorithms, it can generate ranked lists of links to manualized material that offer evidence-based responses to the variety of problems that young people present with, and results can be exported direct to an Excel or SPSS database. Here is a short video about its use:

The Community of Practice

I haven't been writing much here recently, as increasingly the AMBIT TiddlyManual IS the blog (see We have been working hard to increase the "surface area" of the community of teams who are using this material (there are nearly 60 versions of the AMBIT manual - accessible from and here is a video about part of this work: