Friday, 9 December 2011

V.3.0 is nearly here

The new look AMBIT manual should be available in the coming week (or two)... Keep an eye on the site (!

Lots of Trainings

We have been busy training a lot of new teams in AMBIT, and the use of the TiddlyManual. As part of our Comic Relief grant, seven voluntary sector organisations are in the middle of trainings, and we are also training two CAMH (statutory NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Services.

This is exciting as we now have a wiki based manual that these teams will be able to start working on, adapting their OWN locally adapted version.

In addition, the core training is increasingly crystallising into the key components of the approach, and we have separated out an additional one day training which we call the AMBIT Leads training, focusing much more intensively on sharing an understanding of the MANUAL, and how to put the TiddlySpace 'machinery' that supports this to work:

- The ability to manualize relevant bits of team practice 'on the hoof'
- The ability to compare, share, and adapt other teams' content.
- The use of the 'Snapshot' function in supervision sessions (I can pull out a relevant page of content, and email a link to just that page to my supervisee during the session.)